Lolita Tsanaclis
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Lolita Tsanaclis
on May 15, 2019
Cansford Laboratories is the only UK laboratory to offer steroid hair testing where the analysis of the hair strand drug test takes place in the UK. With anabolic steroid use on the rise, an increasing number of family law cases are relying on steroid tests for evidence. The psychological and emotional side effects of steroid abuse – aggressive behaviour, mood swings, manic behaviour, hallucinations and delusions – are well-documented. Cansford Labs is proud to be the first testing lab in the UK to offer steroid testing in hair at their laboratory in Cardiff.
Steroid use for performance enhancement can have negative behavioural side effects. By doing our steroid hair drug test here in the UK mainland, we can reduce the turnaround time for written results to three days, compared to the typical 10 days – and reduce the cost by up to 60% when compared to other UK providers who send their samples abroad.*
Dr. Lolita Tsanaclis, Chief Scientific Officer of Cansford Laboratories Limited, has been developing methods for the analysis of drugs in hair since 1993. She has been involved in drug testing using hair, blood and oral fluid samples for medico-legal and workplace sectors for over three decades. Dr Tsanaclis is published extensively as author and as co-author in highly regarded peer-reviewed publications and scientific presentations.