Rigorous training programme for sample collection is key for a successful laboratory result. Drug testing companies usually have their own network of collectors, but how they run that network varies from company to company.
Here are some important points:
Obviously, a sample collection needs to be performed by a courteous collector who must be responsive to your needs. It starts with being flexible to take the sample at a day and time that is convenient for you.
All laboratory processes related to drug or DNA testing require the assurance that there is no margin for errors at the point of sample collection.
The best quality of laboratory test result is only valid with the sample collected correctly and with chain of custody fully guaranteed.
When the laboratory performing the tests is accredited, it is natural that the accredited laboratory will want to make sure that the collectors are properly trained, as quality is reflected in all activities.
The best companies train their collectors not only on how to take a sample, but also the understanding of the testing involved.
"You need more than a sample collection, you need an outstanding customer service with a sample collected to strictly approved guidelines by trained collectors who understand your needs and those of your clients."
If you wish to become part of Cansford Collectors Network for hair, oral fluid, urine and/or blood samples, anywhere in the UK, you can write directly to us at info@cansfordlabs.co.uk. Training as a sample collector at Cansford, you will have a clear understanding of the whole testing process from initial contact with the client to the final issuing of results.
You will be part of a structured team, where the training program will include briefings, demonstrations, role play and assessment, followed by supervision in the field including auditing and continuous refresher training.